Ether-1, what is IPFS

Дмитрий Ченцов
5 min readJul 31, 2018


Considering the calendar of events of the project Ether-1, we see in the unfamiliar term IPFS. The implementation of this technology is coming soon. But I’m afraid that not all my readers understand what is at stake. Therefore, I’ll go over a few times, literally on the basic concepts. To believe in the project ether-1, it was more interesting to expect this landmark event.


So let’s start from the very beginning. The term “decentralization” has acquired a new meaning with the advent of the era of crypto-currency and blockchain technology. A lot of new projects have appeared, analogues simply do not exist. Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is one of the typical examples. What is the peculiarity of the new technology and what opportunities does it open?
IPFS combines sharding and decentralized file storage. Yes, a lot of the company is developing solutions for storing files in parts, in particular, Sia and supported by the corporation Google Storj. However, IPFS works on a different basis, most precisely implementing the symbiosis of these technologies.
IPFS as a protocol in the network Ethereum appeared in 2016. This particular blockchain was chosen because of its greater friendliness towards innovation and innovation. Bitcoin could not boast of such a thing. How wise this decision was, it is still unclear, the heavy load on the Ethereum network is hampered by the development of IPFS. Because the fact of the forthcoming appearance of IPFS in the Ether-1 network, it is worth considering as a very positive solution, which, with proper implementation, will be able to advance the technology far ahead.

In IPFS, the file system itself is a peer-to-peer technology for distributing and storing files as separate shard fragments.

Like crypto-currency networks, IPFS uses the MasterNode network to perform these tasks. This scheme provides an opportunity for participants to be sure that their file does not fall entirely to one of the users (for this it is necessary to collect a certain number of shards). Also, it creates redundancy of files, which reduces the probability of irrevocable data loss. The IPFS project is open, the source code is located on GitHub.

The project gained fame among a wide range of Internet users and was subsequently ported in the language of Go, as well as Javascript. At this point, work continues on the Python version of IPFS. Best-case scenario involves the unification of all computing devices on the planet within a single file system. Immediately we stipulate that this should not be confused with decentralized Internet: the goal is to create a decentralized file system.

Specialists directly involved in the development of the IPFS project also announced a move towards the integration of Dapp-blockchain applications. They hope to create a “system of bridges” between all the existing blockades.

Why IPFS is so important
At the moment, the IPFS project is only at the dawn of development and is distributed mainly among open-source enthusiasts. But this is only the beginning. Any technological innovation that allows to objectively improve this or that aspect of the life of mankind, in due course, receives a deserved call. And here I again want to remember about Ether-1, the application of IPFS technology in ethter-1 blockchaine will automatically bring it to the forefront of the existing blockchain projects.

In addition to the above-mentioned file storage system, IPFS solves one more important task: it allows to get rid of the need for central servers. With the massive introduction of IPFS, the architecture of the global Internet will be forced to change.

Any loud statement needs to be confirmed by facts, so let’s understand what this thesis means.

Why now our network is so slow, unstable and vulnerable
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), on which the global network is built, has one key drawback: when you visit a website, the browser must directly connect to the central server that serves the selected page.

Often this connection takes some time, which negatively affects the experience of interaction (UX). This procedure increases the cost of maintaining your own site and helps increase the workload of the existing infrastructure.

In other words, when working through HTTP, the file download occurs entirely from one computer. This is fraught with problems, for example, with an increase in the number of requests. This explains the popularity of DDoS-attacks.

Moreover, if at least one “segment” in the connection via HTTP is unavailable, then the entire query returns an error. The situation is similar with the calculation of the delay time. Summarizing all this, it can be concluded that maintaining the status quo is not preferable. The Internet needs changes.

What will change IPFS
As a distributed peer-to-peer file system, IPFS can significantly improve HTTP. Juan Benet, one of those people who is obliged by the InterPlanetary File System to exist, comments this statement as follows:

We use an addressing system that is not tied to the location of the storage device, but to the features of the content itself. This allows you to divide the contents into parts and permanently write them to the network. Of course, here comes the question of verification of data and other methods of ensuring security.

Explaining the principle of the technology, he said:

We allow you to get rid of the central server. In our model, it is distributed. Like the Bitcoin network. Moreover, to access the files, it is not necessary to have an Internet connection.

Now we are confidently moving in the wrong direction. Very soon, the cost of maintaining and maintaining sites will exceed the potential benefit from its use. The alarm is also being inflicted on big corporations: a huge number of engineers are struggling to solve this problem.

An additional threat is the widespread use of cheap smartphones, which gives access to the network to people who have never before had such an opportunity. Infrastructure does not stand.

In general, on this I am ready to finish today’s story. More information is always available to you on the Internet. And let the knowledge be with you. And Let’s wish good luck to the team of developers ether-1 in their difficult undertaking.

