I Changed a Flat Tire, So I Can Do Anything Now

Andrew Knott
The Partnered Pen
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2018


The spare tire. I took the picture while my car was in my garage so I would have a photo to add to this story.

There are a few key items every dad has to check off his dad list and perhaps the most important one is changing a flat tire on the side of the highway with your family in the car.

And, as of this weekend, I have checked it off.

I don’t want to oversell it. Yes, it was after dark and we were on the side of a busy highway in Orlando, but it wasn’t raining or…



Andrew Knott
The Partnered Pen

Writer, humorist, dad of three. Editor of Frazzled. Debut novel LOVE'S A DISASTER (May 21, 2024, Bayou Wolf Press). Website: AndrewKnottAuthor.com