Frameworks for a New Field: Quantified Self Public Health

2 min readJun 9, 2016


Larry Smarr, founding director of the Qualcomm Institute at Calit2, speaks at Quantified Self Public Health 2016. Photo: Kristy Walker

“It’s happening. The incredible inventiveness, the incredible caring that individuals have to make the world better, whether they have permission or not: that is the force that is being unleashed.” — Larry Smarr

Our co-convener Larry Smarr, current director of Calit2, previously the founding director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, where the web browser was born, offers a brief assessment of what’s happening today at the beginning our new field. He points out that he has been through a few of these transformations and asks: what are the changes we need to make in our scientific institutions to allow it to flourish? In his talk, Larry acknowledges the wonderful news that one of the pioneers of using technologies of self-observation in health, Patty Brennan, has recently been appointed the director of the National Library of Medicine. And he raises the fundamental question of who owns the rights to the data our bodies can generate.

Larry Smarr asks: Who owns the data we generate with our bodies?

