Tradelize Will Keep Your Crypto Assets Safe

2 min readJul 26, 2018


Last year’s breakout of crypto-currency markets saw its supporters triumph and its detractors get slammed. But there is one thing bulls and bears agree on: the crypto market is volatile. During December 2017’s altcoin boom, it seemed every crypto twitter user and youtuber was a genius trader. Many pro traders made a fortune and openly shared their picks. But not many shared at what exact point they sold. 2018 signals a new phase in crypto that demands a more advanced trading system for a more advanced landscape.

What if the most profitable crypto gurus could save time dealing with multiple exchanges while sharing their knowhow on one platform for a reward? What if you could, with a single click, follow your favorite pro trader and duplicate all their buys and sells? Tradelize does just that.

Tradelize boasts a system that allows investors to track the finest professional traders and automatically copy their trades.

Tradelize boasts a system that allows investors to track the finest professional traders and automatically copy their trades. The unique rating system based on blockchain — Tradelize.score — sorts traders by popularity, returns, and risk profile so that you can choose the best approach for your needs. Tradelize is even using 80% of their token sale capital to attract the world’s absolute best traders to make sure you can follow the profitable players in the game.

You see, now you won’t have to spend every free moment checking prices. You can put a protrader behind the wheel of your crypto so you can get back to your own, real life.

Tradelize will help you minimize losses and maximize profits in crypto’s regular 10% or more swings. Tradelize will revolutionise how traders trade and investors invest. The question won’t be how to invest anymore. It will only be how much.

Trade faster. Invest smarter.





An ecosystem where ProTraders gain a unique trading toolset and investors achieve the results of the best ProTraders