Don’t Believe the Hype: Media Misinformation on SpaceX Starship Launch

It’s all about Elon

John Polonis
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2023


Starship SpaceX rocket
DALL-E 2: Source

It was the biggest event of the past week. Yet if you read mainstream media accounts of the SpaceX Starship launch, you would have thought it was a complete failure. Explosion, explosion, explosion. That was all anyone could seem to fit into their headlines.

Instead of celebrating the monumental achievement of landing the largest launch vehicle ever flown, many news outlets focused on the fact that the rocket exploded through forced detonation. They conveniently ignored the fact that SpaceX was able to collect valuable data from the launch, which will inform the design and ultimate success of future launches.

Mainstream media misinformation underplayed SpaceX successes

This media misinformation is not only misleading, but it also does a disservice to the incredible accomplishments of the SpaceX team. So let’s set the record straight and take a closer look at the recent Starship launch.



John Polonis

Lawyer writing on law & politics, artificial intelligence, and the future of it all.