Particl Coldstaking Tutorials

7 min readDec 9, 2018


The Coldstaking allows you to save your PARTS, receiving interests regularly and higher than the inflation rate (the inflation is at 2% and around 50% of the network is staking which means you can expect to have 4% interests per year) in delegating only your staking power to the node.

You can cancel this smartcontract in one click at any time (just in sending your parts to another address of your wallet beginning by “p”) and you keep for you and in any circumstances the private keys corresponding to your addresses.

You can coldstake:

  • Whatever the amount of Particl you have (It s recommended to have at least 500parts if you want to coldstake on your own node)
  • Without the need to keep the wallet which owns your funds online

First of all you need to get a nodekey from a pool or from your own node:

Option 1: Get the nodekey from your own private coldstaking node

If you want to get your own nodekey you just have to enter this command in your raspberry / vps :

cd && git clone && cd Private-Coldstaking && bash


In this case the nodekey would be: PPARTKWPy6YQZUdvd4dvFRrkHXDSWPhXS37MX1ySETXBtPoeZa9SZz6BZ51QPSQdfJhZnj3SbqAYSi7txMWB4zzXGpuFC2dA28dcmis4eDuS64RG

Option 2: Get the nodekey from a pool

The pools are distributing the rewards more regularly than a personal node which could be interesting if you have not a lot of parts but they take a small % on your rewards (pool fees)

To find a nodekey go to this address:

Then choose a pool and find the nodekey after clicking on the link.

A nodekey generated by a pool begins with “pcs”,

example: pcs172cyrl4n4f9s0acnjrh93wca0mdgt40mza5a6z

Tutorial for Particl Copay (ios/android)

Step 1: Download the Particl Copay app and deposit some parts

Step 2: Enable the Coldstaking and zap

Enter the coldstaking nodekey in the “staking key” field:

The coins are now sent to a new address that you created in your wallet and you delegated to the node/pool your staking power !

You will now receive a regular interest on a pro rata basis of your capital.

In 225blocks (~8h) the pool will begin to stake your coins.

Step 3: Verification and stats

Go to the zap line and click on “open insight” to see your coldstaking address on the blockchain.

Your coldstaking address is the address which begins by “2":

To have access to your stats:

  • If you are coldstaking with your own node enter the following command:

cd && cd Private-Coldstaking && bash

  • If you are coldstaking on a pool go to the ip address of the pool and replace “X” by the 256bit address that you generated previously (the address which begins by 2).


Tutorial For the Desktop Wallet (not compatible with ledger yet)

Download the latest version of Particl Desktop wallet on

Click on the green widget and enter the nodekey:

Then click on «zap» and it will be done !

In 225blocks (~8h) the node will begin to stake your coins.

To have access to your stats:

  • If you are coldstaking with your own node enter the following command:

cd && cd Private-Coldstaking && bash

  • If you are coldstaking on a pool to have access to your stats go to the ip address of the pool and replace “X” by the 256bit address (the address which begins by 2) that you generated during the zap tx, check the zap txid on the block explorer to find it.


Tutorial for the QT Wallet (compatible with ledger)

Step 1: Download

Download the latest version of the Particl QT wallet that corresponds to your operating system (OS) and do the following steps if you have a ledger, else go directly to the Step 2.

Step Ledger Nano S/Ledger Nano X:

Update your Ledger Nano S/X on Ledger Live and install the Particl app:

Now open the QT wallet that you downloaded previously:

This window is going to be displayed, go to the third tab “Hardware Device” and click on “Import”: A wallet is going to be generated from the 24word seed of your ledger, wait for the blockchain to be fully synchronized and go to the next step.

Step 2: Enter the nodekey in the Wallet

Go to the receive page, generate a standard address and send your parts to this address.

Enter the nodekey address in the staking setup

window -> staking setup

Then click on «apply»

Step 3: Create a 256bit address

Go to the «reception» page, select «standard 256bit» and make a payment request by clicking on «payment request», then copy the generated address.

Step 4: Create the coldstaking smartcontract

Go to the «send» page and click on «add coldstake recipient»

Enter the adress beginning by 2 that you generated previously in the «spend address» field:



Enter the nodekey address in “stakeaddress”

IF YOU ARE COLDSTAKING ON A NODE (Private Coldstaking Node):

Enter this command on your node:

clear && cd && cd Private-Coldstaking && cat contract.txt | tail -5 | tac | tail -1 | cut -c124- | rev | cut -c35- | rev

Afterward enter the address displayed in the “stakeaddress” field of your qt wallet


Enter this command on your node:

clear && cd && cd particlcore && ./particl-cli getnewaddress

Afterward enter the address displayed in the “stakeaddress” field of your qt wallet

Check the box «substract fee from amount», click on «use the available balance» then «send»

Step 5: Verification

This is what you should see if you go back to the staking setup:

The coins are now sent to the new address in your wallet that you created previously and you delegated to the node your staking power !

You will now receive a regular interest on a pro rata basis of your capital.

In 225blocks (~8h) the node will begin to stake your coins.

Step 6: Stats

To have access to your stats:

  • If you are coldstaking with your own private coldstaking node enter the following command:

cd && cd Private-Coldstaking && bash

  • If you are coldstaking on a pool go to the ip address of the pool and replace “X” by the 256bit address that you generated previously.



This article can be copypasted everywhere by anyone as long as the original link is included.

@Lingus from Hive has my permission.

