One Night I Fell In Love

Kayt Molina
4 min readFeb 10, 2018
art by @ernio_art

Magical sounds floated around us and lifted us up into the clouds. Or…more like I was 15 and at my first real concert. I was desperately trying to be cool, act cool, look cool because I was on my first real date. I was also trying hard to make sure that no one could tell I was trying hard. I had a shirt at home for the band we were seeing but I knew it was patently uncool to wear the band’s shirt to their concert. So I wore a ridiculous baby pink Fender shirt instead, obviously.

art by @ernio_art

My dad dropped us on at a venue. It was one of those awkward car rides where you are hyper-aware of the distance between each other’s hands. My date was a seasoned concert goer so I was convinced I could play it like a pro if I just followed his lead.

“Hey, let’s go check out the merch,” he said.

I smiled awkwardly in return. I mumbled something affirmative while I searched my mind for what 'merch' meant and where we would find it in this dark, packed room that smelled like incense and adolescent yearning.

He bought me a band t-shirt. If the heart eyes emoji existed then, I probably would have snapchatted one to my bff. I would have to settle for a vague Myspace update after I waited…

