Practice These 7 Micro-Habits Daily to Improve Your Gut Health

Add these habits to your life to boost your gut and mental health.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life



You have a second brain in your body, that bears the burnt of your lifestyle daily.

The gut has more than 100 million nerve cells that secrete hormones to regulate digestion and suppress hunger.

The gut-brain connection is real, a healthier gut can help you beat many mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and stress.

Small habits practiced consistently can lead to big results. So, add these micro habits to your daily routine for a healthier gut.

1. Drink these three delicious teas

Herbal tea can do wonders to your gut health. It is the quickest remedy to improve your gut health as it only takes two minutes to prepare.

There are many herbal teas. But the best ones that worked for me are ginger tea, fennel tea, and chamomile tea.

These three herbs are well known for their soothing digestive properties.

  • Ginger speeds up the digestion process and prevents constipation and bloating.
  • Fennel seeds fight inflammation and protect the gut lining with fibers which leads to a…



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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