Role Of Cryptocurrency In A Country’s Economy

Aleef Coin Official
2 min readJul 4, 2018


Many benefit of Cryptocurrency comes from the fact that they are secure by nature and are easy to settle. Today many developing countries are trying to move towards digitalization and the present aspect is totally depending on mobiles. There is a scope for countries to shift in economic strategy leading to hold top market capitalization.

Cryptocurrency — A Trump Card for a Country Economic Growth

Today’s digitalization is made online with extra charges for transactions. This is because of third party intermediates which are normally banks that add to transaction cost. So can these Cryptocurrencies reduce these extra charges? As long as the data for mobile is cheap the transactions are simple.


Less Transaction Timing & Quick Settlement

Cryptocurrencies can be transacted in a fraction of second even when a person needs to send dollars without additional charges. In absence of third party, transaction is diverted peer to peer and there will be immediate settlement.


There is no chance for identity theft as in case of proof based digital transactions. The person who starts the transaction in cryptocurrency will be the complete controller and the cryptographic technique is highly challenging to break for a hacker before which the transaction is made.

It’s a Global Transaction

Cryptocurrencies are global and there is no stop for its extension across world. The second strong point is there is no third party to block an individual account in case of misuse. As transaction details are encrypted within private key no theft of money is possible unless key is lost.

In Real Estate

Hugh sum of money overflow in real estate business and equal amount of transaction is possible. As cryptocurrency is based on blockchain-a decentralized ledger ,no fraudulent activity is possible. It will be good fortune for people who dump their property in business and land record details can be secured under blockchain.

Can Cryptocurrency Uplift a Country’s Economy?

Cryptocurrencies are still not accepted in many countries due to its decentralized nature. Apart from its pros and cons, the technical background process is highly appreciable and people can rely on it with no doubt. Acceptance of a technology is completely based on its economic effects. Lets all wait for a good ending!

Company Name: Aleef Coin



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Aleef Coin Official

ALEEF coin, a contemporary cryptocurrency that is based on Ethereum Blockchain which gives you major returns from small/tiny investment.