How to Improve Your Wellbeing During This Pandemic

Researchers say that exercising during a pandemic can help you keep your sanity intact.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A Women smiling while holding a High plank position.
Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

The pandemic has affected so many people negatively, the agony of losing a loved one, dealing with the stress of protecting oneself from this virus, and feeling immense anxiety for the future. It has affected the well-being of the majority. The wellbeing has dropped by a whopping 74% during this pandemic.

Exercise is an integral part of maintaining better well-being as it offers both physical and psychological benefits to our health.

A study was done amidst the pandemic, it was based on an online questionnaire that helped in determining the importance of exercise during the lockdown. The data collected in this study was provided by 16,137 individuals from 99 countries.

This study shed some light on the relationship between exercise and subjective well-being, and its effect on the mood pattern of the individual.

What Is Subjective Well Being (SWB)?

Professor Ed Diener developed the model of subjective well-being in 1984. In psychology, SWB is often defined as a multifaceted construct composed of affective and cognitive components, it simply means how people…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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