Want persuasive content? Work from the No!

Persuasion is not about making you say Yes.

Dimitri Lambermont
1 min readJan 21, 2014

Persuasion is not about making you say Yes.
Persuasion is about taking away all the No’s.

Persuasion is not about breaking through your defenses.
Persuasion is about winning you over for our side.

On our side, all we see is Yes!
Yes we have the most amazing product.
Yes it is awesome.
Yes you want to have it.
Yes it is nicely priced.
Yes it is groundbreaking technology!

And this is what we fill our websites with. Endless amounts of yes. If we say YES! Our reader will say YES!

It is positive framing. Get them to nod and they will nod with you all the way to the bank. Only problem is, the Yes is our Yes. Of course we see the upside and sell the upside…

But our reader only sees No.
No I don’t have enough money for this.
No I don’t really need this.
No I don’t know if I can trust these people.
No I don’t know if I want their product.
No I’ve seen something similar on another website.
No I don’t have time to read all that text.

Do you want to master the art of persuasion? Start with thinking about all the No’s surrounding your product.

Answer those No’s and look for a solution to every No you encounter. Start your content from this.

If you take away all of the No’s, your reader will feel more inclined to say Yes. Not the other way around.



Dimitri Lambermont

Strategic Copywriter — Speaker. Destroyer of jargon, management speak and corporate bullshit. www.dimitrilambermont.com