https:// bets.
1 min readSep 27, 2018


The fund is created to automatically return funds to an investor who wishes to sell a token at the price of its acquisition (up to 0.125 Eth.), while: • the token is redeemed strictly at the cost of its purchase price, depending at what ICO stage it was purchased and the sum of referral discount the player received; •the token is withdrawn to the common DOM; •funds are recovered within 90 days from the date of the request for a refund; • if the investor does not want to wait 90 days, he can independently place and sell the tokens in DOM. Build-up of the Funds recovery fund: • - 30% from the sale of each token; • - 1% from each game round per each game table; • when there is enough money in the Fund for the immediate redemption of all issued tokens, 1% of the game round per all game tables is transferred to the Advertisement fund that will help to increase the number of players.



https:// bets.

We have created a new game for the crypto market. Very soon we will start, but you can already play on the test: