Investor Finance Forum 2018 Report

Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog
4 min readDec 6, 2018

We have already mentioned last week, that the team is attending the Investor Finance Forum, that took place on the 30th of November in the capital of Bulgaria — Sofia. The event grows bigger every year, which was mentioned by the organisers of the event a few times. The number of participators has increased year on year, and it seems that this event is just getting traction. We now must let our community know how everything went.

Some of you might even remember, that it is not the first time the team has attended this event. Dmitry Nazarov has visited Investor Finance Forum the last year and shared his experience in the blog. The IFF 2017 was very fruitful and has resulted in many valuable connections, so this year the team went to Sofia to built upon the success of the previous visit to Bulgaria.

Unlike many of the similar exhibitions, the primary audience of the IFF has not yet completely shifted to crypto. In contrast with other financial events, which have almost wholly endorsed the crypto side of things, IFF keeps things relatively financially conservative. Nevertheless, there are a lot of investors and traders from the traditional markets who are interested in our product, and there was plenty of opportunities for potential partnerships.

The show floor of the event. Don’t let the lack of people deceive you — the photos were made before the beginning of the expo.

This event is ideologically different from London. The London event was tailored to find B2B contacts, brokers, exchanges, etc. and here we were looking for B2C, traders, large managers and investors. And that’s the kind of people we are, working in both directions simultaneously.

Even though the scope of the event was far from the London experience, the team went to Bulgaria well prepared, not only had Dmitry prepared a presentation, but the project itself had a stand and a screen on which a working platform was able to be presented. All of the visitors could see and check out the platform for themselves, which has helped to drum up some further interest.

In another news, Dmitry has given an exclusive interview to Bulgarian Bloomberg TV! ( We were not able to find the recorded discussion by the time of writing this report; however, we managed to find a mention of Dmitry in a report from the event.

Dmitry showcasing the platform to potential partners

The highlight of the event for the team was the presentation from Dmitry in which he mentioned all of Genesis Vision projects, including GM and GVN. As a result, the presentation turned out to be a bit too technical for the local audience. Nevertheless, the Genesis Vision team considers it to be our duty to convey relevant information to the participants of such events, broadening their knowledge about our project and cryptocurrency in general. Blockchain and crypto are very closely tied together with technology, and there’s no way out. Therefore, we considered this presentation to be somewhat an enlightenment mission.

Dmitry Nazarov participating in the “Power of Blockchain” panel.

The panel that Dmitry attended was also quite compelling. Despite the name “The Power of Blockchain,” the overall subjects of the discussion boiled down to crypto, trading, investment and regulation, which was understandable, given the type of the audience which gathered for the event.

As usual, the results of the event will become apparent a little bit later, once all of the partnerships are finalised. One thing to keep in mind is that unlike London, the results of the Investor Finance Forum are likely not to be significant partnerships, but rather experienced asset managers and institutional investors for Genesis Vision.

Thank you for being with us!



Genesis Vision
Genesis Vision Blog

The first platform for the private trust management market, built on Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts