The future belongs to new technologies.

2 min readJun 21, 2018


New technologies open up new opportunities for us! What used to take us a lot of time, now it is possible to do in a second and without leaving home. Blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular and controversial conversations are going around it, as any new current is, as opponents, and those who understand the importance of this technology.

We are facing major changes that will affect everyone’s life. Blockchain technology began to generate interesting projects on the market, due to the fact that many people have the opportunity to declare their idea by holding an “ICO”, of course when it is carried out, everyone immediately sees a response from people, whether this service will be a success or not.

The GPCC project touched upon a real problem that we faced with the constant interaction with creative people and already on the working model of “ParazitaKusok” we saw that copyright theft on the Internet is a real and global problem.

Creating their work authors hope that their idea of creation will be associated with them and will bring dividends, and then face the harsh realities when they see how their work is used under a different name on other sites and it does not matter you create music or graphic works. Proof of your copyright will take you a lot of time, effort and money.

We offer a system that will allow you to attract funds to your project due to the fact that on our platform you can conduct a crowdfunding campaign and also register your copyright to the work.


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