The New CoinCrowd

Ambitious, Global, Decentralized.

3 min readFeb 7, 2018


You might have noticed some changes recently. As a matter of fact, the core team — together with new, top-secret advisors, who have already staged successful token sales — is working on an improved and more ambitious version of CoinCrowd, with a clear mission: bringing value to the crypto-economy.

Getting International

Our project has crossed national borders, now counting supporters and advisors from all over the world. A new chapter is unfolding, as we face international challenges and serve a global community.

Growing Fast

Our team is growing quickly, now counting up to twelve people, eight of them being developers. We can now count on a new marketing team, and are still looking for at least other three talented people to join Us.

New Features

The company is undergoing major changes and CoinCrowd 2.0 will be a radically different project: more ambitious, global and decentralized.

To realize CoinCrowd 2.0 we are simultaneously working on three projects:

  1. A decentralized, community driven platform, to accelerate new projects and help them quickly find funds and collaborators. The platform also includes special features like built-in smart contracts, and a milestone-based release of the funds, in order to protect the contributors.
  2. A multicurrency wallet which allows users to store all their cryptocurrency safely in one place, while also being able to easily take part in the token sales of all the projects on the CoinCrowd Platform.
  3. A hybrid (centralized/decentralized), cross-chain exchange. The exchange is integrated into the CoinCrowd Wallet and allows users to buy and sell crypto within the wallet, as well as to deposit and withdraw fiat currency.

In the next days, we will publish updates on every single project and explain how they work in further detail.

The New Token sale

The token sale ended on February 7th. In a few months, we are going to complete the shakeup and launch a new, definitive token sale, using unsold tokens.

As hinted above, CoinCrowd’s initial idea has grown into a much wider project. We are building a complex ecosystem, designed to make cryptocurrency easily approachable and effortlessly adoptable, and we are confident that this second round will help us bring this vision to life.

The funds raised so far will be employed in marketing strategies, to boost the second token sale and raise awareness around CoinCrowd’s projects. Of course a second token sale means that the token will stay locked for longer than initially planned, but it also implies significant benefits for early buyers and long term holders!


During the second token sale, as the hard cap gets higher, the price of the token gets higher too. Those who bought XCC tokens during the first token sale will see the value of the project rise significantly.

In addition, our long term holders will be granted several benefits in the CoinCrowd ecosystem:

  • About 1% of the tokens of each project launched on the CoinCrowd platform will be shared, proportionally, with active XCC holders.
  • XCC holders are granted early access to each token sale.

Additional benefits for CoinCrowd Token Holders will soon be revealed along with the new features.

As for us, we strongly believe in the incredible potential of this project, and we hope our community feels the same and will walk with us into this exciting, new phase.

Thank you for your support!

