The COVID Cheater’s Lies That Are Getting Old

Don’t wear out your pandemic lies, it’s not over yet

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
4 min readDec 15, 2020


Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

The problem with the best lies is that they don’t age well with use, so you have to dole them out sparingly at the best of times. At the worst of times, your opportunities to fit cheating into your regular life patterns diminish, and if you still want to get laid, get creative.

And for cheaters, this is the worst of times. What if you’re at home with your spouse? With everyone looking over your shoulder, you’ll have difficulty arranging dates, let alone getting out the door. So what’s in your go-to rota of pandemic lies to do that?

Going to the grocery story

When stores line-ups were the longest, you could say you were out to the shops and book off with your lover for a few hours. This worked well when they asked that only one family member shop, but how did you explain coming home with nothing? And how many times could you do that?

Getting a covid test

An easier one to explain earlier on that also results in no evidence was going for a covid test. The expectation was you’d wait in line for hours, so that was an easy out. You wouldn’t know your result for days, and because of…

