INT Bi-Weekly Report 2019.1.14–1.25

INT Chain
Published in
8 min readJan 25, 2019

I. R&D Progress

Current Progress

[Continuous technical perfection of INT main chain]

  1. Up to now, the team has completed the launch of the INT Chain mainnet and the corresponding testnet. (100%)
  2. Since the launch of mainnet, the INT team has been following up the feedback of technical community members, helping users complete the node deployment work, resolving the difficulties encountered, and providing technical support and other services for the related APIs. (30%)
  3. The team is currently cleaning up the mainnet related codes and optimizing the logs and comments. (50%)
  4. The security audit work in the Slowmist Zone is ongoing. The team is actively fixing some bugs reported. (30%)

[INT wallet and blockchain explorer improvement]

  1. After solving the problems related to the testnet Web wallet, INT team released the mainnet Web wallet, collected feedback from users in using the Web wallet and continued the optimization.
  2. INT team released the mainnet explorer, followed up the usage of community members and continued the improvement.
  3. INT team released the full-node wallet and continued the improvement of production function and user experience.
  4. The token swap and node election has been launched. The R&D team followed up and solved the problems users encountered.

Next Step Plan

  1. Continue to follow up the feedback from the community members and help them deploy nodes and use related APIs;
  2. Continue to clean up the mainnet related codes and optimize the logs and comments;
  3. Continue to fix the bugs reported in the Slowmist Zone.
  4. Continue to optimize the Web wallet, explorer and full-node wallet.
  5. Continue to improve the token swap function and node plan.

II. Business Cooperation

Current Progress

[INT Esurfing Blockchain Router]

After the whole system development and hardware testing of INT Esurfing Blockchain Router have been completed, the first phase of the systematical online work of the router has also successfully come to an end. As the first batch of router products are sent to our consumers, INT Esurfing Blockchain Router operation platform has also begun to use. At present, the INT team continues to follow up and monitor the problems in the use of the operating platform, and continuously collects information on user feedback as the basis for the next phase of development work and support. The team is conducting a detailed and comprehensive discussion on the development plan of the second phase, aiming to bring a better product experience and a more efficient and convenient life for INT users.

[Promoting the delivery of equipment for the prison project in Lishui, Zhejiang]

Since part of the equipment for the prison project in Lishui, Zhejiang has been delivered, the INT team gradually solved the problem of system operation scene switching in equipment commissioning, completed the repeated adjustment and modification of technical parameters and the testing of some installed equipment. Up to now, the delivery of the project equipment is nearing completion, 90% of the project funds have been received, and a small amount of equipment is being commissioned and delivered.

[Promotion of the passenger station smart IoT project in Quzhou, Zhejiang]

After winning the bid of the passenger station smart IoT project in Quzhou, Zhejiang, the INT team actively engaged in in-depth exchanges and discussions with the project party on the cooperation issues, and clarified the ideas and consistency of the two parties in terms of technical implementation ideas, project development framework, and specific implementation methods. Recently, the two parties are negotiating on the specific terms of the contract, which will officially enter the contract process once it is finalized. At the same time, the INT team will start the project preparation work, paving the way for the cooperation between the two parties.

Next Step Plan

[Follow-up on the INT Esurfing Blockchain Router project]

The terminal operation platform of INT Esurfing Blockchain Router has begun to use. The INT team continues to follow up and collect questions from users. Next, the team will continue to conduct technical research and discussion around these problems, providing a basis and framework for the second phase of product development optimization.

[Promotion of the passenger station smart IoT project in Quzhou, Zhejiang]

Previously, INT was invited to participate in the bidding of the passenger station smart IoT project in Quzhou, Zhejiang, and became the technology supplier for the project. Currently, the two parties are negotiating on specific terms of the contract. INT will actively carry out in-depth communication with the project side on the implementation of the underlying technical logic and implementation ideas of the project, start the project preparation work and formulate the project implementation plan.

III. Activities and Operations

Current Progress

[INT Chain mainnet was officially launched on January 16]

After the development over one year and a half, at 18:30 on January 16, 2019, INT Chain mainnet was officially launched. This does not mean the end of INT Chain development, but the beginning of INT Chain’s future challenges and long-term development. Since then, global community developers, community members and the Thearchy nodes can truly join and participate in the construction of the INT Chain IoT ecosystem, working together to open a new era of IoT blockchain, and jointly realize the vision of making a different world.

On that day, Mr. Yin Xiangyu, the Head of INT China, announced the mainnet launch and delivered a speech to the global community through a video. Mr. Yin Xiangyu said that IoT world is coming faster and faster, we hope to provide a widely applicable IoT blockchain solution, making IoT world safer, more effective and better privacy protection. At the same time, Mr. Yin Xiangyu expressed his gratitude to all of the global community members and confidence in working together to build the Internet of Things: “With your support, we are more motivated to move forward and overcome difficulties and obstacles. With your support, we will have a stronger fighting spirit in this bear market.”

[INT Chain second AMA on node plan was successfully held]

Since the first AMA of INT Chain was well recognized by the community members, INT Chain launched the second AMA in the official telegram channel regarding the node plan at 17:30 on January 12. This AMA still invited INT Chief Scientist Dr. Xiang Ruofei to answer the questions from INT community. During the AMA, Dr. Xiang Ruofei answered the questions via voice messages which was greatly praised by the members.

[INT Chain Thearchy node election officially started]

According to the node plan released by INT Chain, the node election was simultaneously started with the mainnet. In this node election, each individual or organization with intentions can register based on the INT Node Deployment Guide, and are considered as candidate nodes once registration is completed. The Thearchy node will be generated by community voting and the top 13 nodes will be the Thearchy nodes, responsible for generating blocks in the next round of voting, and get the block reward, transaction fee and INT’s reward. Up to now, 99 candidate nodes have been registered, and some nodes have canvassed in the community. Welcome all of INT Global Community members to actively participate in the election of the Thearchy nodes to become a candidate node or participate in the voting, winning the INT reward.

[INT Chain token swap was officially launched]

With the INT Chain mainnet launch, the INT token swap has also been officially launched. Currently, the tokens that INT investors hold to trade are ERC20 tokens, which are based on the Ethereum network. Now, all the ERC20 INT tokens will be swapped to INT Mainnet Coin, a native coin for the INT Mainnet. INT investors are able to swap ERC20 INT for the INT Mainnet Coin at INT Web wallet or any of the participating exchanges. This is a 1:1 swap (1 ERC20 INT = 1 Mainnet INT) and long-term effective(INT will release an announcement for any changes).

At present, the token swap through the INT Web wallet is in progress, and INT investors have successively received the INT mainnet coin. The exchanges are also carrying out the corresponding token swap. For more details, please refer to the official notices released by exchanges. After the exchange restarts deposits and withdrawals, only the INT mainnet coin can be traded. Investors who have not yet finished INT token swap in the ETH wallet may swap as appropriate for trading. For more information on INT token swap, you can click on this link to view it.

[INT was invited to participate in the first Hangzhou blockchain meet-up]

Recently, the INT team was invited to participate in the first Hangzhou blockchain meet-up, hosted by bbNews, and jointly organized by Bitrise Capital and Canaan Blockchain. This meet-up was hosted by the blockchain celebrity, one-stop exchange service provider CHAINUP chain Sun Yujie, and invited the practitioners of the blockchain, including blockchain industry investors, project parties and media to discuss new directions for the development of the industry in the new year. The attendance of the meet-up was the first offline activity after the INT mainnet launch. At the meeting, the INT team shared the INT Chain mainnet operation, the node election and the subsequent ecological construction plan, inviting all the partners to participate in the global ecological construction of INT Chain.

[INT Chain mainnet launch activity]

On January 13th, INT released the activity of “Around the world” on Twitter, requiring participants to take a photo or shoot a video containing an object (poster, board, etc.) displaying the sentence “January 16, 2019 | INT Mainnet Launch” (printed, painted, written, etc.). and post a tweet with the hashtag of #INTWorld. INT received photos and blessings from Budapest Hungary, Okinawa Japan, Colmar France, Ludwigsburg Germany, Leuven Belgium, and Chinese Taipei. Currently, the event has concluded and the reward will be issued within 7 working days.

[INT mainnet launch domestic activity]

To celebrate the mainnet launch, INT held a WeChat friend promotion event. Participants in activities shared a link in WeChat Moments or with friends. According to the final ranking, the first place can win iPhone Max for free and other participants can share 100,000 candy together.

Next Step Plan

[INT Spring Festival activity]

The Chinese Spring Festival is approaching, and we sincerely invite all of the community members to actively participate in the activities of the Spring Festival, and build a better community ecological environment with INT.

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