Announcing CoW Swap Surplus Notifications

CoW Protocol
2 min readJul 12, 2023

Surplus notifications are now live on CoW Swap! Just navigate to your account page to see the total amount of price surplus CoW Swap has generated across all your trades.

Surplus notifications will also pop up after each trade, showing you how much extra you’ve earned for that trade!

What is Surplus?

On CoW Swap, we call any improvement over your quoted price “surplus”.

  • Positive Slippage: Sometimes the market moves to your advantage and the asset you’re trading becomes cheaper between the time you’re quoted and the time of execution. On CoW Swap, that price savings is passed on to you
  • Coincidence of Wants (CoWs): If your order is matched peer-to-peer with someone else, you save on gas costs and LP fees. That price surplus is also passed along to you
  • Any other price improvement: If the solvers can find a better source of liquidity than they originally quoted, or improve the price in any other way, this price improvement is forwarded to you.

CoW Swap Passes Along the Most Surplus

CoW Swap is the only exchange that passes along all types of price improvements. Positive slippage, gas savings, and other optimizations usually end up in the protocol treasury for most DEXs and DEX aggregators. At CoW, we put our users first, so you can rest assured that if we find a better price, it’ll be you we tell first.

About CoW DAO

CoW DAO is an open organization of developers, traders, market makers and many more community members aligned with its vision. CoW DAO is focused on fair and decentralized trading systems — in particular, building, maintaining and advancing the CoW Protocol. CoW Protocol technology powers a network of traders and solvers, enabling trustless and efficient peer-to-peer trading. Leveraging batch auctions as a key concept uniquely positions CoW Protocol as native trading infrastructure for discrete-time settlement layers like Ethereum and enables fair and accessible trading to its users.

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CoW Protocol finds the lowest price for your trade across all exchanges and aggregators, such as Uniswap & 1inch — and protects you from MEV, unlike the others