Text Classifier with spaCy NLP Pipeline

15 min readMar 22, 2024

In this blog, we will perform text classification with spaCy’s NLP pipeline. For that, we will use sample IMDB movie data.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

What is Spacy?

spaCy is a free, open-source library for advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python.

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The central data structures in spaCy are the Language class, the Vocab, and the Doc object. The Language class is used to process text and turn it into a Doc object. It’s typically stored as a variable called nlp. The Doc object owns the sequence of tokens and all their annotations. By centralizing strings, word vectors, and lexical attributes in the Vocab, we avoid storing multiple copies of this data. This saves memory and ensures there’s a single source of truth.

Text annotations are also designed to allow a single source of truth: the Doc object owns the data, and Span and Token are views that point into it. The Doc object is constructed by the Tokenizer and then modified in place by the components of the pipeline. The Language object coordinates these components. It takes raw text and sends it through the pipeline, returning an annotated document. It also orchestrates training and serialization.




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