How To Satisfy The Call Of Your Soul To Live A More Fulfilled Life

Are you feeling a craving for more, like you want something different in your life?

Jessica LaMarre
5 min readAug 16, 2022

This may show up in your life as dissatisfaction in career, relationships, physical wellness. You may also find yourself striving for the next big accomplishment, promotion, and/or achievement. It can show up in feeling like what you do is never enough. Or maybe for you, it feels like an empty void. It can show up in your intimate relationships, maybe you don’t feel appreciated or supported and that’s important to you. Or maybe you crave traveling yet you continue to find excuses not to. Or sing, or dance, or move, or paint.

Or maybe you want clarity on something in your life and you don’t yet have it, all the while knowing that if you had more clarity taking the next step in your life would be easier. Or maybe you’re trying something new and it’s kind of a struggle right now, maybe a new business, venture, or relationship.

Whatever is coming up for you, know, it’s because we are all leveling up right now.

All of us are leveling up. We must allow it and make space for it. We must slow down to receive the messages from our soul so that we can have clarity, and bring forth commitment and courage, to generate confidence. The first step is curiosity.

As you have recently found yourself searching for new or different ways of being and living or the old ways have just become too overwhelming, what we’re feeling is this up-leveling. This calling from our soul to rise to the next level in our life.

To finally satisfy the call of your soul, and start to feel satisfied in life, allow yourself to be guided through these five C’s.


What you’ve most likely been feeling, is curiosity. This is the part of us that is reaching for something new because it wants more in life or feels unsatified. Curiosity brings out the parts of us craving a change even if we have fears. Our curiosity is helping us uncover the light bulb that once shined bright but has since dimmed. Our curiosity is leading us through the dark to the light switch to turn it back on.


Once curiosity comes into our life, we start to look for clarity. You are gaining more clarity right now than you ever had before on what it is that you need or want to do in your life. Many of us know what we need to do in our lives to level up but the fear of searching in the dark for the light switch keeps us in the dark. Each small step we take in the direction of our curiosity provides us with more and more clarity. It offers us a step towards the light switch.


After the clarity comes commitment. What are you committed to doing to follow your curiosity? What are you committed to doing to gain more clarity? What are you committed to doing to more fully be who you were made to be? We must commit to doing what we are called to do, we must commit to being who we are called to be. We are being called to level up at this time. That itch for more is not going to be satisfied until you answer the call of your soul. You want more. So, we must be willing to commit to take one step closer each day to the light switch.


Allowing yourself to be authentically you takes courage. Courage is a muscle that we build over time with the action. We must try things many times over. You can’t just say, well this is what I want to do, try once, and then be done and walk away. It doesn’t work like that. I’m not saying it’s going to be hard work, but I am saying that it will take effort. Anything worth having requires effort and then we appreciate it more. We need the courage to travel in the dark to the light switch. It takes courage because there will be some missteps and we will need to re-align follow our curiosity again, gain clarity again, and once again have the courage to step towards the light switch.


As we continue to build this courage, we do more of what makes us curious, we have more clarity in who we are and what we are being called to do, and we keep commitments to ourselves, in this process we create confidence. This confidence allows us to feel more comfortable being our true selves. It allows us to do what we are being called to do right now. The confidence allows us to walk with more trust in the direction of the light switch. It opens the door for compassion when we misstep, and it gives the knowledge that we will, no matter what, reach the light switch.

Through these five C’s it’s important to have your bonus C… compassion. You will find that as you start to listen to the call of your soul you will move back and forth through these C’s along your journey. That is natural and normal.

As you continue the cycle of curiosity, clarity, commitment, courage, and confidence we start to realize the light switch isn’t so far away, nor are we always in the dark, nor is it that difficult to access or turn on. We realize the light has always been within us.

Want to learn more about answering the call of your Soul? Here are some recommended books:

  1. Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (Novato, CA: Namaste Publishing/New World Library, 1999.
  2. Vishen Lakhiani, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms (New York: Rodale, 2016).
  3. Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2007).
  4. Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life (Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc., 1984).
  5. Jessica LaMarre, Reclaim Your Self: The Busy Mom’s Secret To Escaping The Ordinary, Listen To Your Needs, & Go From Burnout To Bliss (Tempe, AZ: Love Personal Growth®, 2022)



Jessica LaMarre

Jessica LaMarre: Author, speaker, intuitive guide & founder of Love Personal Growth®. Empowers women to embrace their soul's call with authenticity