5 Brutal Truths About NoFap I See Barely Anyone Talking About

It’s neither superhuman magic nor a fad

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2022


Photo by Monstera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/concentrated-man-meditating-in-lotus-pose-on-mattress-5302862/

NoFap or abstaining from porn and masturbation is one of the most powerful things you can do as a man. Period.

“Upon the proper use and conservation of sexual force, the progress of civilization itself depends.”

Orison Swett

But the internet shows a stark dichotomy — harsh skeptics bashing it as hogwash vs. fanatics worshipping it as superhuman magic.

This is a lose-lose scenario. You’ll either ridicule NoFap and not even try it or dive into it with unrealistic expectations — only to give up disappointed.

NoFap’s benefits are plenty and real a crazy energy boost, sharper focus, more boldness, higher self-esteem, surged motivation levels, and healthier female interactions.

But it’s far from “rainbows and sunshine” — only by internalizing some brutal truths will you succeed on your NoFap journey.

NoFap Isn’t an End in Itself

Divorcing your hand from your crotch and your eyes from naughty pixels won’t automatically metamorphose your life.



Neeramitra Reddy

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