Agora Marketplace URL

3 min readMay 7, 2014


The Internet is a very powerful tool that has allowed us to reach other people from the other side of the globe. It is stock full of information and we can buy and sell from almost anything to anyone. Unfortunately, with all of its uses and advantages, the Internet is not perfect; privacy is one of the biggest problems on the Internet. As it stands, your name and details can easily be acquired by people online. Especially now with the numerous social media websites, information about you can easily be acquired. Not only that, but if a person truly wish to acquire sensitive information about you, he can do this through various means such as hacking your accounts or tracing your IP address. People can even trace what you have bought or what you have looked at online. That is one of the reasons why the Agora Marketplace URL was established.

The Deep Web

To understand what the Agora Marketplace URL is, we must first understand the concept of the World Wide Web. Even for the computer literate, the Internet and World Wide Web is still an unfathomable mystery. At any given moment, only a small part of the Internet is being accessed by all of the users around the world. This accessible part is dubbed as the Surface Web as it is only the surface of the entire wealth of information that can be accessed online. The bigger portion that is inaccessible to common users is what is called the Deep Web or the Hidden Web. These websites are those that cannot be searched by the search engines; if a website is not indexed in a search engine, it would be impossible to look for it, let alone access it.

Anonymity at Its Finest

To access the sites in the Deep Web, you need a special browser and connection. TOR is a security network that is known for giving users perfect anonymity and censorship. It directs traffic through a network of over five thousand relays to mask the user’s location and usage. Using TOR, it is possible to access the Agora Marketplace URL but only if the user has a referral link that has been given to them by a current member. This makes the Agora Marketplace a perfectly secure and anonymous online market place. It is similar to eBay but allows for full secrecy which means almost anything and everything can be sold here. Items ranging from the mundane to the illegal to the outrageous can all be found here. To ensure further privacy, mode of payment is through Bitcoin, a form of online currency that can be traded online without giving away your identity. Using these methods, both buyer and seller know nothing about each other and anyone trying to snoop on your trail and account cannot see you as well.

When it comes to the delivery, this is where things get murky as this is done outside the Agora Marketplace URL and TOR network. Deliveries and packages can be traced so both buyer and seller must agree on a method that they both feel secure with. All of these might be a huge hassle to some but at an age where online anonymity is important, security and privacy are nothing to laugh about. Click here to find the Agora Marketplace URL.

