The Only Two Habits a Neuroscientist Uses for Better Productivity and Focus Every Day

Fix your sleep schedule for better mental health.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Min An on Pexels

Sleep is the most important factor for productivity.

But we take sleep for granted, even when it’s proven to improve focus, boost brain power, and aid mental health as well.

Dr. David Creswell a psychology and neuroscience professor studies sleep for a living, he studied the sleep schedule of 600 students and concluded that the students who slept the least had the lowest GPA score.

You need adequate sleep to get the best out of your cognitive abilities. It’s a low-effort bare minimum habit that’ll bless you with a healthy brain.

Sleep is essential for productivity and focus and here are two things a neuroscientist does to maintain a healthy sleep schedule every day.

1. You Make this Grave Mistake Every Day.

It’s believed that the quantity of sleep matters more than the quality, this false factoid will ruin your chance of ever forming a good sleep schedule.

Good quality six-hour REM sleep will easily beat restless nine-hour sleep. So, judge your sleep based on how well you slept and not how long.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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