RAID Official
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2019


Hi, We are the RAID Team.

This is our first greetings via Medium.

From now on, we want to talk in details about how the RAID project is started and how it will be in the future via Medium. Moreover, we will deliver the news on a new partnership agreement and token sales as soon as possible via RAID blog.

In this posting, we will explain what problems RAID is trying to solve and how RAID will be solving them by utilizing blockchain at large. We will be introducing RAID in a series of topics, so please stay tuned.

Advancement of game industry and rise of game data

Along with the development of big data, the behavioral data of an individual is growing larger in significance. Especially, the game industry which revenue of 150 billion dollars revenue and annual growth of 12% backed by billions of gamers worldwide is considered the most attractive market in terms of data utilization. The value of game data is growing bigger than ever as more and more game data is generated as users and gameplay time increase over time.

However, data-generating users currently agree on terms to provide their own data and yet, have no information where their data is being used or reward in return of their data. Also, the accumulated game data isn’t being fully utilized due to the interests within the game industry, and meanwhile, most data are mainly monopolized by the distribution companies, making game companies pay high commission and advertising expenses. Now, we will look deeper into the problems of the game industry.

Your game data is not yours

Generally, the person who creates the data must ‘ownership’ over it. Currently, all data is owned by the game company, not the creator. As data storage is centralized, administrators centralized servers have the potential to tamper with or corrupt data. Numerous game users have not exercised any rights to their data.

Game companies of limited data utilization

Due to ownership and storage issues, we are not fully utilizing the data. The game industry is changing from being a one-time game seller to a game that provides continuous updates and additional content. In other words, the game company is evolving from game development to a continuous service form to secure and maintain users. To do so, one must find out and improve users’ needs by analyzing their age range, time of use data, and so on. Generally, game companies generate value by analyzing and processing their user data. However, the data is much less valuable. So, today’s game companies are end up being inefficient in the execution of data-based businesses.

Inefficiencies of the game industry passed on to users

The lack of data is evident, especially in game marketing. As the mobile game industry is developing along with intensified competition, game developers focused on developing games that are easily accessible and enjoyable. As a result, marketing became more important than development, and marketing costs exceeded development costs. The typical example is high-priced external IP (ex. celebrity) -based marketing that is frequently encountered in everyday life is typical. Publishers do not have an option other than expensive IP marketing. Excessive payment inducements to reclaim high marketing costs turn out as stress to users.

In addition, small and medium game developers cannot afford the high marketing costs caused by the distribution bottleneck, and it is almost impossible for them to launch if not chosen by the publishers. Unlike the initial market, mobile games are dominated by a handful of large game companies. As a result, the game genres that users can enjoy become more and more uniform. Eventually, the inefficiency of the game industry as a whole is passed on to users through several stages.

Creating new businesses based on the game data ecosystem

It would be ideal if game companies were to join together to create a data sharing platform, but game companies are unlikely to share data with competitors. Also, ‘ownership’ and ‘storage’ are very important issues in terms of the marketplace. RAID is a project aimed at leveraging blockchains and token models to return ownership of data to users and to implement a decentralized game data ecosystem in which users can collect and sell data.

Blockchain-based game data platform that ensures tranparency and fairness

Blockchain technology is essential to implement a decentralized game data ecosystem. RAID is a blockchain-based game data platform. With data as its center, we will support all DAPP and business related to data. In the data marketplace, users’ data collected through transparent processes will be sold fairly and profits will return to users. Existing players in the game industry will be able to efficiently develop and market games. In addition, new DAPP businesses based on game data will begin. Many game-assisted DAPPs will help users focus on the game.

Recovering a user’s data sovereignty

RAID aims to solve the problems of the current game data market by creating a blockchain-based game data market. Users have full ownership over their game data, and they are rewarded with RAID coin depending on the type of data they provide. RAID coins can be used to alter game packages or to purchase in-game items.

Figure 1. RAID Launcher Mockup

Increasing marketing effectiveness using game data

Typically, game companies can leverage the RAID platform for data-driven marketing. Game companies can purchase the RAID coin by investing real currency and acquire necessary data. The acquired data can be processed by linking with tools such as HADOOP through RAID SDK *. With the RAID Chain **, users can utilize the game usage data to make effective marketing.

By increasing the efficiency of game development and marketing based on data, users will be able to enjoy higher quality games at a lower cost, and they will also be able to receive rewards for providing previously-unrecognized data.

Figure 2. RAID Chain Structure Diagram

*RAID SDK: To prevent sold data from reselling without going through RAID Chain, purchased raw data can only be processed and distributed via RAID Data SDK.

**RAID Chain: Has a bandwidth to accommodate millions of users and built upon RPCA (Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm) agreement structure for low transaction cost and fast transaction rate.

Please refer to our whitepaper (link) for more information on RAID SDK and RAID Chain.

In the next posting, we will explain in more details about the vision of RAID Foundation and our core partner, OP.GG.

Thank you.

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