
How To Balance Your Life with Spirituality

Sanjay Desai
Thrive Global
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2016


I believe that consciousness and spirituality is a ladder to greater manifesting. Let me explain how.

Believing and Conforming to the Material

Since childhood we are taught and conditioned to believe that the world is a ‘given’ and we have to ‘fit’ into it and conform, and succeed in securing our security, comforts, and other material trappings. Accordingly, we are schooled and technically trained to deploy our acquired skills in the best possible manner. We get our social marks and acceptance from the degree to which we succeed in this. This reality has us invariably caught into a ‘material cycle’ of living, believing in the physical and the rational, and advancing our progress and success in this realm. The spiritual is a decidedly separate plane, for those to whom there is some appeal. The material and the spiritual are distinct and disintegrated.

Spirituality and Manifesting Power

Over the ages it has been believed that high spiritual states confer great manifesting power. If intent arose in the Buddha in his heightened state of awareness, it would manifest. The lives of Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and several other enlightened figures are replete with such examples. Hindu mythology is also full of these examples. Hindus also believe that Brahma was the Creator of the Universe, and we, as his descendants carry the power of manifesting. This is also apparent in nature all around us. However, how many of us really believe that we are so empowered?

Even in modern times, the Law of Attraction school of thought has been advocating that one can manifest whatever one wants through meditation, affirmations, and positivity. But how many of us are able to sustain such a positive cycle required for such manifestation?

So, many of us are attempting to succeed in the material world — with physical and mental power. A majority of us seem to be caught in the web of vicious cycles of negativity and failure, unable to break out.

Could the absence of a link to the spiritual in manifesting, be one of the reasons for so much strife and despair in society? Where does one go from here? Waving a flag of spiritual power seems like hogwash to many of the materially and rationally grounded.

The Bridge of Self-Awareness

I believe that there is a window of opportunity here, a bridge to cross the chasm.

Some of us, who have been fortunate to have a strong material and spiritual grounding can hardly, fail to see the link between the two. Spiritual practices open up a realm of possibilities to help you on your material quest. I have my journey to relate, which ran parallel between my material and spiritual progress.

As we manifest out of a material and rational grounding, few will say that success comes out of thin air. It is usually a story of struggle and hard work, falling down many times and getting back up again with persistence. Even for those who have seemingly had an easy journey, it is seldom unqualified. The circumstances we attract during the journey forces self-reflection and introspection. There is a degree of self-awareness and self-inquiry that develops even in the most rational player.

Self-awareness is the overarching bridge that can lead us to our inner and spiritual resources, which help manifest better.

We carry layer upon layer of shadows that obstruct us at different levels, carrying us into a cycle of negativity on our journey to manifest. The challenge of any manifestor is to become positive again, as it is positivity and focus that beget the desired result. Spiritual practices like yoga and meditation enable us to become positive. As an author, I have brought this out in Jasmine’s story in my first book, Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands. It also brings out the principles of manifesting in a manner relatable to everyone, whether materialist or spiritual.

As one engages in these practices, albeit for manifestation, self-awareness rises even further, taking us into a virtuous cycle of material manifestation.

Originally published at mysticlivingtoday.com.



Sanjay Desai
Thrive Global

In passionate pursuit of Consciousness. Entrepreneur. Former Banker.