5 Ways to Be Healthy, Fit and Happy

Small changes can make a big difference.

Dr. Sharon Ufberg
Thrive Global


Let’s face it, we all know that we could improve our weekly routines to stay healthier, be more fit and feel less stressed. Unfortunately, often our busy schedules, overbooked calendars and multiple commitments get in the way of being the best version of ourselves.

Here are 5 easy ways for you to get healthier, fitter and happier. And they don’t take an entire lifestyle shift to add them into your daily routine right now.

1. Eat 20% Less: We all eat more than necessary!

  • Start by never getting seconds. One serving per meal is all anyone needs from a nutritional stand point.
  • Use a smaller plate or bowl. If you want to eat less tomorrow, go buy yourself some smaller dishes.
  • Make your protein the side dish. Fill up your plate with your salad and veggies and serve yourself a smaller than usual piece of protein.

2. Exercise Daily: Do something every day that includes movement.

  • Exercise for 20 minutes per day. No matter what. Take a walk, stretch, ride your bike, do yoga, jump rope, swim. The choices are endless, and as Nike says: just do it. If you find an exercise or two that appeals to you, it won’t feel like a chore.



Dr. Sharon Ufberg
Thrive Global

Dr. Sharon Ufberg is the co-founder of the personal growth and wellness company BorrowedWisdom and hosts Force of Nature on NPR’s 51% radio.