Game of Diggers

Gold Fever
Gold Fever — The Game
5 min readMar 7, 2022

What is Game of Diggers?

Game of Diggers is a weekly selection program for token holders to gain access to the open beta. The selected participants will have the opportunity to perform a series of tasks and quests in Gold Fever in the open beta. This will provide rewards from a total prize pool of $130,000.00 worth of NGL and NFTs. So let your friends know and spread the word!

When does Game of Diggers start?

Game of Diggers will start sometime in April 2022 as soon as we have at least 2000 applicants.

Who is Game of Diggers for?

Game of Diggers is our way of rewarding loyal token holders.
We aim to create the best Play and Earn testnet program out there.
In this event, you can play, learn and provide feedback about the game while earning prizes.

Please read the details and the conditions below.

Participation Conditions

Anyone willing to participate in The Game of Diggers will have to complete a form that requires the following info:

1. Gold Fever Account — Register on
2. Website Wallet Eth Address
3. Eth or BSC Address where you hold at least 250 NGL tokens, Here you will receive the prizes. No Exchanges accepted however people with token stakes in farms can use their original wallet which they used to deposit.

4. Twitter Username — share GoD and receive a small bonus for each completed quest.

Please note:
The participation conditions and the quest rewards are subject to change, but we will edit this article and announce it accordingly.

Any attempt to cheat, like using more than one account WILL disqualify you from receiving any rewards! Only one entry per user is accepted.

Any attempt to gain an unfair advantage by exploiting the game and its bugs WILL disqualify you from receiving any rewards!

What do you get as a part of Game of Diggers?

Once you are selected to participate, we will take a snapshot of your Eth/BSC address and we will provide in-game perks that will help you achieve your tasks and quests.

The perks are available only during the GoD program and they are on testnet.
Holding NGL tokens at the time of selection will award you with an adventurer character as well as additional rewards based on the median number of tokens owned and held.

All tiers include the rewards from the previous tier.

The tier rewards are as follows:

1. 250+ tokens: 200 [Testnet] NGL + 200 [Testnet] Juls
2. 500+ tokens: [Testnet] Dog Companion NFT

3. 750+ tokens: [Testnet] Donkey
4. 1000+ tokens: [Testnet] Gold Tool
5. 1500+ tokens: [Testnet] Boat

6. 2000+ tokens: [Testnet] Plane

All users that hold on to their tokens for more than 30 days before Game of Diggers starts will receive the following bonuses:

1. < 1000 tokens: [Testnet] Revolver NFT

2. > 1000 tokens: [Testnet] Automatic Gun NFT

If you are NOT selected as an Adventurer, you can be selected as a Tribal and you will have your share of quests which will be rewarded from our weekly pool of prizes.

The weekly prize budget will be distributed 80% Adventurers — 20% Tribals.
If the weekly budget is spent, the prize pool will not increase, but we will allow players to enjoy the game for the rest of the week.

The major share of the prize pool, $100,000.00 worth of NGL and NFTs, will be split over 10 weeks. This amounts to $10,000 worth of prizes per week!

The total number of registered users plus those that join Game of Diggers later in the event will be randomly assigned in batches so everyone can participate at least one time. Starting the second week, we will randomly select a few more players from those that already played to have a second chance.

For example,

  • 2000 accounts are registered, we will select 200 accounts to join in the first week.
  • Next week we will select another 200 accounts from 1800 remaining + 50 from the previous 200.
  • The week after that we will select another 200 accounts from 1600 remaining + 50 from the previous 400. And so on…

If you don’t show up, you will lose your spot for this week, but you will still have a chance to be selected in the 50 weekly random players.

At the end of the 10 weeks, we will host a big event for all participants who held on to their NGL tokens during this period. This event will last for 2 weeks, with a prize pool worth $30,000 consisting of NGL and NFT rewards.


The quests and tasks will have a base reward based on the category.

The base price of quest and task categories will range between 0.5$ per quest or task up to 2$ per quest or task.
Each day of holding NGL increases the base price by 0.05 starting on the 7th of February until the official start of the event.

  1. >1000 NGL tokens adds 0.25$ on the base quest or task.
  2. > 2000 NGL tokens adds 0.5$.

There will be a limit on the amount you can get per quest or task.

Sharing our post on Twitter and mentioning 2 different friends for 3 different days will get you

$0.15 on top of each quest/task base price. We will verify every instance of this manually.

Players can make a maximum of $500 per week per person.

The rewards are paid at the end of the program. Removing the NGL from your account during the event will void the rewards!

Quests and Tasks

There are different categories of quests and tasks depending on what you want to achieve or learn. Some of them might have a timer.

There will be over a hundred quests and tasks to choose from. If you fail to do a quest in the designated time, you can attempt it again later.

Below are some examples of the tasks you will be performing:

  • Rent items
  • Kill a Tribal
  • Buy items
  • Destroy a Gold Tool
  • Carry items
  • Hunt animals
  • Use various modes of transport
  • Put items in custody

A list with the detailed quests and tasks and their prizes will be made available later this month and we will update this article with it accordingly.

Ready? Complete the form here

About Gold Fever

Gold Fever is a challenging free-to-play RPG that leverages the power of the blockchain with the creation of a decentralized economy.

Gold Fever, in its essence, is a thrilling and addictive online multiplayer video game, mirroring the physical world into the digital one and allowing players to take actual ownership of scarce in-game items through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The Gold Fever economy is a junction of many moving parts that are dynamically adjusted. in Gold Fever, all participants have a seat at the table. Being able to vote and to dictate the future of the game through the governance token. Used for proposals on how to improve/evolve this digital world economy.

Do not miss your chance to join us in the rush for gold. Follow us on Telegram, Twitter, and Discord.

