3 Phenomenal Full-Body Exercises Most Unfortunately Neglect

They build strength, endurance, muscle, and functional fitness

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readMar 7, 2022


Young muscular man in a full-sleeved black shirt crossing his arms
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

The epidemic of trash gimmicky exercises by fake-natty fitness “influencers” is misleading millions.

Every gym I go to, I see skinny-fat gym bros monkeying on complex machines with atrocious form.

I don’t blame them — only years of wasted gains pulled me out of the clutch of this pseudo-science garbage.

Today, I want to share 3 incredibly effective but overlooked exercises — these “boring” exercises will build massive full-body strength, endurance, and muscle.

If you’re looking for fancy “magic” b.s., leave this article and hop back to TikTok.

The Peak of Athleticism

Evolution built humans to move.

For our hunter-gatherer ancestors, the speed with which they could sprint meant the difference between seeing their next sunrise and landing in a lion’s stomach.

But since the advent of desk jobs, running’s become extinct — forget sprinting, walking is now treated as an “exercise”.

The beauty of sprinting is it carries over superbly to every other athletic…

