Life Discovery: The “Discovery as Development” Principle
Life Discovery is not only for Life Transitions. Life Discovery is for both settled life stages and unsettled life stages.
The Life-as-Project Approach is inspired by Project-oriented Activity Theory, Anticipatory Systems Theory, Curativity Theory, and other theoretical resources, it was developed with the following six basic principles:
- Being by Doing
- Engagement as Projection
- End as Means
- Discovery as Development
- Performance as Experiment
- Curativity as Creativity
This article offers some related ideas for the “Discovery as Development” principle and the “Curated Mind” framework.
Exploration, Detection, and Recognition
According to the Merriam-webster dictionary, the word Discover has two meanings: 1) to make known or visible; 2) to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time.
For Life Discovery Activity, I roughly identify the following essential actions: