Your Boyfriend’s Parents’ Bathroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Strange hallways, artisanal soaps, finicky locks, and more

Eli Burnstein


Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash

It’s dinner at your boyfriend’s parents’ and you desperately need to pee. You’ve been waiting for a break in the convo but grandma’s been pelting you with questions since the arugula. You finally get your moment to slip away when it suddenly hits you: you have no idea where you’re going.

Whatever you do, don’t panic, because in this handy guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials of away-game bathrooms — from navigating hallways to finicky locks — so you can get in, get out, and be back in time for figgy pudding.

Whatever that is.

1. Finding Your Way About

No doubt, papa bear said something like “down the hall on the right,” but that could literally mean anything. Did he mean the hall you’re currently in? Or the hall that this hall connects to? Maybe there are even more halls with more doors and you’ll never make it and you’ll wet your pants and everyone will call you pee-pants girl.

Relax! That’s just the pee talking. Rather than get all Google Maps about it, use your instincts to simply poke your way around. And if you should happen to clock a few off-course details on the way — family portraits, dangling…



Eli Burnstein

Glasses type. Humor writer. Book DICTIONARY OF FINE DISTINCTIONS now available for preorder. More at