Kenya and Britain- From a troubled relationship to new cooperations

Alessa Günther
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJun 14, 2016

For a long time, the relationship between Kenya and Britain was difficult. The fact that in between Margeret Thatcher’s action-packed visit and David Cameron’s visit this June are nearly 20 years, shows that the relation between the two nations are not carefree.

But within the last months, the British have taken a few steps towards Kenya. Not only Cameron’s visit, but also the new cooperations, Britain began having with their former colony. Recently, the UK signed a contract to strengthen their export to the country. UK’s firms will therefore boost exportation and project cooperations. Additionally, the UK promised to fund Kenya with a large amount of money, so that the African country is able to import goods from the UK. This shows that the British are highly interested in a tightened engagement with Kenya and that they would like to support the country with funds, in order to boost their economy. Recently, Kenya and Britain also strengthened their cooperation in the sector of renewable energies. This collaboration is fixed by the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), signed in last May.

By means of these examples, one can observe the will of both nations, to encourage their relationship and cooperations. Maybe these collaborations help to establish a stable friendship.


