They Say School Prepares You for Life; Mine Left Me Scarred

4 lessons learned from my traumatic school experience

Gaurav Dahiya


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School wasn’t a place of learning. It was a battleground I barely survived.

I was scared to death almost every day and constantly tried to find ways to avoid going to school. All I wanted was to stay at home and lose myself in my favorite cartoons, but unfortunately, that was never an option.

And it was not that I hated studies. I was an average student and never failed any exams.

It was the unrealistic expectations that I hated.

All the students were required to maintain a notebook for each subject, and it was expected that our handwriting would be pristine on every single page.

However, I struggled to consistently keep up with this practice throughout my school years.

Teachers would routinely check these notebooks, and whenever I felt like I was falling behind on the chapters, my genius move was to buy a brand-new notebook. A fresh start, right?

And when teachers inquired about the previous chapters, I told them those notes were in my old, now-filled notebook. It became a bit of a routine for me.



Gaurav Dahiya

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health Enthusiast | Conscious & Natural Living Advocate | Inquiries:➡️