The Evolution of Bynd

Ideas are powerful, but very fragile at the beginning.

Ömer Akyürek
4 min readNov 3, 2015


Chapter I — The Idea

That’s what a normal (and organized) screen of a smartphone looks like. If you’re a power user, the right screen should look familiar, too.

On the one side, the way we download and use apps did not change since 2007. On the other side, the number of devices, apps and notifications is increasing year by year.

“It’s inefficient having to go to a bunch of different apps to check my feeds. Sometimes I don’t know what medium to choose or I don’t know where someone has been active on.”

What, if we could open only one single application, on one device and consume all content? The task for our team was simple: create the most efficient way of consuming relevant information. Solve all problems with one product.

Chapter II — The Market Research

The final design for the logo took around three months to brainstorm & create. Something which looks so simple, is actually pretty hard to design.

“Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler” — Albert Einstein

After that, I started writing a business- and financial plan. Meanwhile, the rest of the team began with the development of the first prototype:

Beauty is the first message we give the people for whom we are designing: they are our equals, and we care deeply about their experience.

We talked with many hundreds of friends, colleagues and family members. In addition to that, many had the chance to experience/play with the prototype. The market reasearch confirmed that a lot of people experience the same problems we do and are demanding an urgent solution.

Chapter III — The Product

Cleaner, faster and lighter.

Prototype, Bynd 1.0 & Bynd 2.0

The first screen is the prototype. The second one represents the first beta version. The last screen is the final one, which will be released very soon.

After receiving hundreds of feedback mails, we carefully considered which suggestions to implement. Tiles got bigger, we removed unneccesary animations, created a better onboarding experience and made the consuming of information as simple and delightful as possible.

Along the way we realized, that Bynd provides more USP’s than expected:

A Central Hub For All Your Favorite Apps.
One Solution Across Multiple Devices.
Unified Feed For All Sources.
Human-Curated Feeds.
Unfiltered Information.
Relevant Content.
“Bynd Zero”.
No Ads.

Chapter IV — The Hype

Consumers started writing emails and demanding ways to skip the waiting line by paying for it. Whoa. We did not expect that. And then, we received an invitation for a British TV show. We of course refused to appear on it. The waiting list is increasing day by day and beta testers are spreading the word about our product without spending any cent on marketing.

Chapter V — The Future

We have a unique solution to important problems, but this is only the beginning. The team is working very hard to develop the most amazing product you will ever experience.

The first step of Bynd is - curation. Second one - personalization. In the near future, Bynd will auto-magically present an Interest Feed drawn from a white-list of trusted curators but personalized for each user. Not specific to one vertical or one content type. Ordered by the most relevant. It will be called the “Meta Feed”.

We can’t wait to show you all the new features and updates very soon!

Weekly Blog #2: Thanks for reading. You rock! Catch me @oemerax or hit the follow button down below! We also have this amazing company called Bynd. Would love to hear your feedback.



Ömer Akyürek

Background in economics and marketing. Designer at day, Developer at night. —