Ostara or Easter: 15 Ways to Celebrate the Coming of Spring

Honoring the changing of the seasons

Crystal Jackson
Published in
6 min readMar 20, 2024


Photo by Justin Ha on Unsplash

I’ve been watching and waiting for signs of Spring all year. Although I know it arrives at the same time no matter how carefully I monitor the weather and growing conditions, I still like to be mindful of those first hints of the season’s change. It feels like arriving. We’ve made it through the winter. Warmer, hopefully better, days are ahead.

There are three things I always notice this time of year. The first sign is the daffodils. They might be the first harbingers of spring. Then, the tulip magnolia trees begin to bloom here in Georgia — in a profusion of pink and purple blossoms. Soon, the grass begins to turn green, and the trees begin to hint at new leaves. Spring is coming.

15 Ways to Celebrate Spring’s Arrival

Now, Spring is here. It doesn’t matter if we choose to celebrate the religious holiday of Easter or the pagan holiday of Ostara, the arrival of Spring is cause enough for celebration. Here are 15 ways to celebrate regardless of holiday preference.

1. Plant Seeds

Don’t start with the “I don’t have a green thumb” claim. While gardening has an element of art to it, it’s also a science. In other words, it can be…

