Elgin James is my Idol

Blog Writer
Straight Edge for the 2020's
2 min readMar 8, 2024


Elgin James is an inspiration on how members of a straight edge movement can move on from their time at Friends Stand United. He later became a movie and TV director for several films. The best thing I learned from him is that he was right to fight white supremacists by getting into confrontations in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The only difference between them and now is that I want more straight men to fight against Incels, Transphobes and Homophobes. This war is about who represents Straight men and unfortunately it is directed as us on those that don’t represent the stereotypes of who straight men are. In Friends Stand United they fought against Racists and White Supremacists.

Today if we are to form a militant straight edge movement it means going after predators, getting into confrontation, hunting Incels, pedos and destroying them completely in able for us men to not get seen as turning a blind eye to social issues. It would mean calling for the pardoning of vigilantes who attacked predators as a preventative method.

Also we need an exit strategy too like donating to just social causes in the process in addition to the blood that comes out fighting against Incels. That exit strategy needs to be there when we run out of ideas. All in all we say we are using Elgin James playbook but is reusing it for this decade.


