Medium Feels Like The Good Old Days of Blogging 

Celebrating my 20th essay with some Medium love

Aytekin Tank
2 min readFeb 23, 2014

When the blogging was in its infancy there was this warm community feel. Before Google came along and put value on links, people blogged with lots of link love. When you wanted to comment on a blog post you wrote your own blog post and linked to the original post. There were some lively discussions happening all over the web. It was a big party where everybody linked to everybody else. That’s how blogging grew like wildfire.

Technically, Medium is nothing like that. But, it has the same warm community feel. People reading each other and recommending the articles they like. You reach readers by taking your time to write some good shit and then asking Collection curators for some love.

When I write a new piece I know that i will get at least 100 people to read it with a minimum effort of submitting it to few related collections. That gives me the motivation to write things well. I just wrote my 20th essay. I put it up like 3 hours ago and it already has 137 views, 82 reads and 3 recommendations.

Medium re-invented blogging. And, it is not even called a blog any more.

If you are a lurker stop standing there and start writing. Amateurs are welcome. We are all amateurs. We are all here to read and write. We are here to share some love. It is the happy hour of writing. Don’t just stand there. Come over and start writing…

