© Dennett ~ August 7, 2021

Water Reflections

Snapshots March Prompt

Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2022


The word reflection might mean contemplation or it might mean mirroring. But, are those definitions very different? If you reflect on a problem are you not looking for that problem mirrored in past experiences? Are you not searching for an image of the past to guide you into the future?

Reflections are physical and mental — representations of what we see or what we remember.

As a photographer, I delight in reflections, particularly water reflections. Of course, I live in Florida, a peninsula surrounded by saltwater and polka-dotted with freshwater lakes, rivers, and springs, and home to many swamps, tidal flats, and wetlands. And, that list doesn’t include all the manmade bodies of water like ponds and canals.

I am fortunate to live on a lake. Water reflections are a constant part of my life and my photography, whether mirroring wildlife, as the Black-Bellied Whistling Duck above, or clouds on this manmade pond:

© Dennett — March 15, 2020

or, turtles on a log:




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.