Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

Availcom Official
2 min readSep 10, 2018


The rise of interest to blockchain technology began in the spring of 2017, when the value of bitcoin rose sevenfold in few months. The appearance of popular cybermoney that rise in price rapidly is connected with the development of blockchain technology. It is based on data scatter between blocks that can reside on the computers of thousands of users all over the world. AvailCom project, like other projects based on blockchain technologies, can be compared with data basis, that allows to keep the same information on lots of servers. Every transaction in this system is decentralized, what rules out the possibility of data change or deception.

It is essential to understand that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is not the same. The first is used for mutual exchanges only: companies deliver tokens (digital coins), and everybody can buy or sell them on the cryptocurrency exchange. AVL tokens can be purchased only on the official website Many projects, Bitcoin for example, deal without the single emission cent in the form of central bank.
Blockchain technology can use tokens for an attendance of some sort of function. For example, in Etherium project tokens play the role of a fuel material for smartcontracts. AVL token in AvailCom project has the same function. The platform allows to register any transactions with any assets based on the digital contract basis, what allows not to resort to the course of law because one side’s obligations towards the another will be stated by lots of net members. AvailCom develops the project based on blockchain, as many other progressive companies.

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