The Nova Effect: Why Your Bad Luck Could Actually Be Good Luck

And how this can change your life

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2021


Photo by Flickr licensed with CC BY-NC-2.0

“Nova, no, get back here.”, Eric screams as Nova breaks free of his leash and bounds after a rat he spots. Eric gives chase but he’s no match for Nova and in relentless pursuit of the rat, the dog loses his way.

Devastated, Eric puts up signs, enlists the help of his friends and neighbors, and lodges a request at the police station. The days go by but there’s no sign of Nova.

One morning, when Eric’s lost all hope, he answers the door to find Nova and a woman. Eric breaks down, crushes Nova in a bear hug, and profusely thanks the woman, Vanessa.

He and Vanessa hit it off right away and before long are madly in love. Eric wonders how lucky it was that Vanessa happened to be at the right time and the right place to find Nova and return him.

A few weeks later, armed with a gift-wrapped ring, Eric’s on his way to Vanessa’s place for her birthday when he gets T-boned by a speeding truck.

“In other words, the accident saved your life.”

The world goes dark and he opens his eyes to a doctor’s face looming over his face. “Am I dead?”, Eric croaks to which the doctor replies, “Thankfully no. You got very lucky



Neeramitra Reddy

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