Web3 Protocol X Initverse Space Recap : The Human Side Of Crypto

Web3 Protocol
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


Topic : “ Navigating the Web3 Landscape: Insights from the Web3 Protocol’s Twitter Space AMA Session with Initverse”


In the ever-evolving realm of decentralized technology, the Web3 protocol has been at the forefront, championing a vision of a more secure and user-centric internet. To foster community engagement and provide a platform for meaningful discussions, Web3 recently organized a Twitter Space AMA in collaboration with Initverse. The topic at hand was intriguing — “The Intersection of Human Perspectives: Exploring Crypto Interests and Challenges on both Regional and Overseas Fronts.”

The AMA session, which unfolded on February 2, 2024, witnessed the participation of notable guests, including ANNA from Initverse, as well as Investor D and Pinnacle, prominent figures in the crypto community. The session commenced at 10:00 AM UTC and spanned an hour, delving into the ongoing discussions within the Web3 space across different regions.

A Deep Dive into the Intersection of Human Perspectives:

The chosen topic for the AMA, “The Intersection of Human Perspectives,” aimed to unravel the complexities and nuances of crypto interests and challenges on both regional and overseas fronts. The discourse covered a spectrum of issues, from regulatory landscapes to cultural considerations influencing the adoption and evolution of Web3 technologies.

Initverse’s ANNA, a respected guest at the session, shared valuable insights into the challenges faced by the crypto community in bridging gaps between diverse human perspectives. The dynamic exchange of ideas during the AMA provided a platform for understanding how crypto technologies are perceived and embraced globally.

Guest Perspectives:

Investor D and Pinnacle, representing distinct facets of the crypto community, added depth to the conversation. Investor D delved into the investment landscape and the varying appetites for risk in different regions. Pinnacle, on the other hand, shed light on the technological challenges faced by developers working on Web3 projects and the collaborative efforts needed to overcome these obstacles.

Timely and Insightful Discussions:

The AMA session, initiated at 10:00 AM UTC, unfolded as an hour-long exploration into the pulse of the Web3 space. Participants engaged in thoughtful discussions, sharing their perspectives on the ongoing developments and challenges faced in different regions. The diverse range of opinions and experiences presented during the session contributed to a richer understanding of the Web3 landscape.


Web3’s initiative to organize a Twitter Space AMA with Initverse on the intersection of human perspectives within the crypto space proved to be a valuable and insightful endeavor. The collaboration between ANNA and other esteemed guests facilitated a dynamic exchange of ideas, showcasing the diverse challenges and opportunities that shape the Web3 landscape on both regional and overseas fronts. As the crypto space continues to evolve, such discussions play a crucial role in fostering a more inclusive and informed community.

If you have missed the Twitter Space AMA session, just make it simple and check recaps bellow :

Twitter Space :http://tinyurl.com/mv2f6u3w

Binance Live AMA : https://www.binance.com/en/live/video?roomId=2178450&utm_campaign=binance_live

Web3 Protocol Socials:

Website: Web3Protocol.com

x/Twitter: Twitter.com

Telegram Group/Channel: Telegram.com

Linkedin : Linkedin.com

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Web3 Protocol

A decentralised way to do completion of tasks through some giveaway.