KICKICO proudly presents WHIRL! 🌪

Kick Ecosystem OFFICIAL
3 min readOct 24, 2018

A secret project of our company is no longer in disguise.

While KICKICO Team is working hard to present a new roadmap, a new Whitepaper together with brand new features KICK 4.0, which will make the market explode, the time has come to reveal the project which solves the problem of the qualitative cryptocurrency crowdfunding around the world.

This mysterious project (not anymore), which is being developed by a separate team together with mentoring and support from KICKICO core members reinvents crowdfunding with a new “pay it forward” model build on the blockchain.

WHIRL was born, as a GLOBAL addition to a KICKICO platform and KICKONOMY, as it was not rational to combine all features of crowdfunding, ICO and crowdinvesting within one platform.


WHIRL is bringing the KICKONOMY one step closer to its complete realization. KICK Community can readily use their KickCoins to obtain extra Karma on the WHIRL platform (public beta launch is due end of October).

Learn about WHIRL & follow the growth and development of it


WHIRL Support Team will happily answer all your question in

WHIRL Official Telegram Group

Do not miss any exciting announcements, and we know there are plenty to come!



Inspired by a whirlwind of good

WHIRL is bringing people together from around the world and incentivizing them to financially support one another’s projects, passions, and obligations.

In celebration of WHIRL Official Blog launch, KICKICO Team designed the KICK Contest Bot for Telegram, which is used to increase awareness for the project. The main goal is to invite KICKICO audience and their friends to the WHIRL’s official Telegram group and to sign up for the WHIRL’s news & official channel. The competition will kick off in the coming days when the final testing is over.

Contest Simple Terms

TOP 50 users, who complete contest objectives, will receive 50k WRL tokensEACH within a week after contest period is finished. Tokens will be frozen for 6 months.

The contest will be finished when the dedicated pool ($100k) is emptied. People who will not tag friends in a Twitter post, will not be qualified for the contest and vice versa.


  1. Join WHIRL official chat HERE
  2. Join WHIRL news channel HERE
  3. Share the link that Contest Bot will provide in Twitter and tag three or more friends, who might be interested in this contest.

How do I start earning WRL tokens?

  1. Follow this link to the Contest Bot:
  2. Type in /start the chat with the Contest Bot
  3. Follow instructions and have fun!

If you’ll have any problems with the bot, please write to

WHIRL awaits you in its whirlwind of generosity and change.

Stay Tuned!

And follow

WHIRL Official Telegram Group



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