Eco — friendly mining

1 min readMar 2, 2018


Today is the first day of spring, and I want to talk about something warm.

The Japanese company Kumamoto-Energy Co Ltd, a producer and supplier of electricity made by solar batteries, appears to set up an affiliate company last November that operates cryptocurrency mining business using the power capacity purchased from it. It was announced on February the 20th by the company`s representatives.

Here`s another response to the hysterical moods the media are inflating that the cryptocurrency industry will lead to a global energy collapse.

The affiliate foundation OZ Mining is the desire to use the available electricity, that Kumamoto-Energy has, most effectively, as well as an excellent example of the use of renewable energy sources for cryptocurrency mining.

OZ Mining gets electricity from the head company at a price of ¥ 10–19 / kWh, depending on the season, the contract and the supply areas.

The experience of Kumamoto-Energy Co Ltd isn`t the first example of the use of nature forces for mining. For example, Iceland has launched the Moonlite project, which is a 15 megawatt cryptocurrency plant. Only energy generated from hydro, wind and geothermal sources is going to be used here.

