Keep Your Mouth Shut Is The Key To Success

Talking about it won’t make you successful rapidly; taking action and focusing will make you successful in no time.

Kevin Nokia
5 min readMay 21, 2024
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Shut up.

  • Not all people want to hear it.
  • Not all people want to hear your plans.
  • Not all people want to hear your commitments.
  • Not all people want to hear about your success.

So, shut your mouth and start working.

I know this is a bit harsh, but it is the truth. I have experienced it, and I can tell you that I’m a talker, especially about plans.

I talk too much about what my goals are, and even my friends are tired of hearing it.
I talk too much about my ambition to other people, and sometimes people love to hear it, but sometimes not.

Most of the time, we spend too much time talking about it without taking any action about it, which ends up making people tired of hearing it.

Even so, what’s the main problem with talking about our plans?

The problem

You don’t only reveal your plans to your enemies; you also give yourself a kind of reward or feeling of success by just talking about them.

This is actually the main problem with talking about it.

It is fun to talk about your plans with other people, but it could backfire on you too.

I was a talker when I was in high school and a people-pleaser too, actually. I love to see people interested in what I’m talking about. So, whenever I have a chance to become the best or great in an organization or hobby that people have, I love to talk about how I want to be like them too.

  • I told them about my plans to become the best basketball player someday.
  • I talk about becoming the best math student in the class and in my organization.
  • I talk about becoming the best guitarist, the best dancer, or the best wing-chun student.

There’s no action that I take that day.

I just talk about my plans over and over again. Even so, this actually backfires on me. I found out that my ambition and motivation only last for a couple of days.

After I went back to my room, I became my old self and went back to playing games.

It feels like I forgot all the ambitions and plans that I had talked about that day and started becoming my lazy self. Sometimes I meet my friends, and they ask about my progress. Well, because I’m a people-pleaser that day, I lied about my progress and tried to make it seem like I’m making progress in their minds. I lied about how I love dancing, how I love playing music, and how I love studying math, because what’s actually showing off is my action.

My actions are really the opposite of what I’m talking about.

Then, I revealed my true actions and progress. I didn’t train that much, I didn’t study that much, and I started giving up one by one. I disappoint my mentor, my teacher, and my coach. My ego of pleasing many people is now being dragged down to hell.

I feel like a failure.

It’s time to shut my mouth

Now that I have learned something, I want to shut my mouth and start working on myself.

That’s when I started writing, and I found myself enjoying it. I stopped using Instagram and other social media except messaging apps. I don’t show off about what I’m working on or my progress; I start focusing on myself and how I can work myself up.

The second problem with talking too much is that many people will know your plans.

It’s not that you are wrong to talk about your plans too much to other people, but the problem is not only your friends who know your plans, but your enemies too. Enemies could disguise themselves as your friends and then start asking about your progress or finding out your hidden lies. Once they find it out, they might talk about it with other people and drag you down about how much of a talker you are.

This is a real story that I have experienced before, where I was embarrassed because I talked too much and disappointed many people.

Other than that, we want to make a first impression.

The first impression is important, but maintaining it is a lot harder.

So, keep your mouth shut and start working.

How do you effectively achieve your goals and plan?

You can write it down if you want to.

I usually write down my plans and my goals so that I can remember them and see them, rather than just keep them in my mind. This is actually helpful if you are trying to work hard or achieve a certain goal.

If you can’t hold it to talk about your plans, you can talk about them, but only when you are forced to.

When I’m working as an insurance agent, my mentor tells me that you don’t have to talk to many people about becoming an insurance agent. Even though it is important to brand yourself as an insurance agent, you can just put it on your bio on Instagram or other social media. Other than that, start working and say that you are an insurance agent when you have to.

For example, when I’m trying to prospect my friends about insurance, I ask them when I could meet them and talk about it face-to-face. Then he asked, “For what?” and then I said, “For my work.” That’s it. I don’t say what my work is unless I am asked to. When my friend asks about what work I’m doing, I can tell them that I work as an insurance agent.

This way, you aren’t talking too much about your work unnecessarily, and you talk about it when people really want to know about it.

This is optional, and if you are comfortable talking about it and committing to it, go ahead. We have our own different ways to achieve our goals because talking about it is not actually bad after all, but it could backfire on you when you’re not controlling it.

So, learn to control it or even shut your mouth entirely until you succeed.

Then reveal yourself as a result, not as a word from your mouth.

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Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate