EVT wins 1st Place in UCSD’s 3rd annual Ignite Pitch Competition


Monal Parmar (CEO, middle), Jason Bunk (co-founder, right), and Jason Quach (AI Engineer, left) hold up their 1st place winning check for Ignite’s pitch competition

Ignite, UC San Diego’s innovation conference for entrepreneurs held its third annual networking event last week in which entrepreneurs, investors, and other UCSD affiliates gathered to share their ideas and expertise in their respective fields. The conference was packed with events such as innovation-centered workshops, talks from speakers of many different backgrounds, and a pitch competition in which 20 startups pitched their ideas and businesses to a panel of judges for a chance to win a cash prize, along with connecting with the entrepreneurial community.

Our very own Educational Vision Technologies CEO and co-founder Monal Parmar proudly received first place in the competition with an enthusiastic delivery of his pitch for EVT and the positive impact it hopes to make in the world of education.

The novel EVT system captures lectures, seminars, and conferences using artificial intelligence to generate digital notes from the board and transcribe the professor or speaker’s speech — all of which is then populated onto the online web platform where students can review their courses to learn the material efficiently and effectively. This innovative system helps students to excel academically and saves universities costs in producing online courses.

The vision of EVT began in a UC San Diego classroom where Parmar realized a common problem among his fellow undergraduate Engineering students: study practices from both inside the classroom during lecture and outside the classroom during studying were inefficient and therefore ineffective. Students would often be too preoccupied with copying down notes from the lecture to fully pay attention to the professor, or when studying on their own, are unable to accurately recall information from class.

And thus the idea of the EVT system was born, in which students can efficiently navigate throughout each lecture to explore a topic as taught in the classroom without having to choose between paying attention to the professor or writing down notes to review later, resulting in loss of information in one way or another. The AI-powered system captures a lecture from the device placed in the back of a classroom or lecture hall and records the full length of the lecture, autonomously generates digital notes straight from the board, and transcribes the professor’s speech. Students can then review the lecture on the web platform and interact with the content like searching for a specific topic in the transcript, or clicking on a section of the digitized notes to jump to the point in the video where the professor writes it on the board.

EVT has since expanded from UC San Diego to University of San Diego, and has serviced over 20 courses for the current school year in addition to servicing seminars and a certificate program.



Educational Vision Technologies, Inc.

EVT automates video editing and online course creation to make online learning more accessible, efficient, and engaging.