Be Original

Stay true to your own Artistic Visions!

Mike Corriero
2 min readJan 8, 2014

Paint what “you love” and don’t worry about ‘trying’ to please others by painting what you ‘think’ “they want” to see. Don’t try copying what someone else has developed because they’ve made it popular. Inspiration is a good thing, just don’t let it control your every decision — I see too many artists trying to be something they’re not for all the wrong reasons.

With so many new artists coming out of the woodwork these days and with all of the new programs and resources, it’s easy for an artist to lose their way. It’s simple to feel a connection and an “urge” to want to be “successful”. So we tend to copy those who we idolize. Which is a fine way to learn and grow but it’s not something that should end up in your Portfolio.

Sometimes artists are still trying to find their footing and they may feel like a “style” is something that needs to be learned — rather than developed.

If you love what you create, others will pick up on that through the quality of the ideas and the work you produce. If you love what another artists is doing and you see that it’s popular with their fan base, you’ll be miserable trying to emulate their ideas, style, technique and their level of quality. Get inspired, motivated and borrow as you grow and learn, but always stay true to your own visions.

Be Original! and at the very least, Be Yourself ;)
Mike Corriero —

My Public Art Facebook Page

