Skimming is the Best Way to Find the Book You Love

Day 2: The Journey of Building Reading Habits from Reading 0 to Reading 1

Kevin Nokia
4 min readAug 27, 2024
Photo by Radu Marcusu on Unsplash

“One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

– Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

This is where we start reading and flipping some pages.

I’m sure that you have already found the book you love, but if you haven’t, no worries.Take your time, and you can access my book, The Habit of Reading, anytime.

Skimming really connects to the previous day, which was finding the book you love.

How do you decide on the book you love?

You might feel overwhelmed or confused about what book to choose.

That’s where skimming comes in. Skimming helps you quickly identify books that resonate with you, making the process of finding your favorite book to read much easier.

Once you find your favorite book, or the book you love, you can start reading it.

That’s where your journey of reading starts. It all comes down to a strong foundation for why you picked that book. This will help you read regularly in no time.

Studies show that people who read regularly are more likely to achieve their goals and feel more fulfilled.

As author Neil Gaiman says, “A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.”

Skimming lets you find those dreams faster.

Here’s a quick tip from my guide, The Habit of Reading: When you pick up a book, skim the table of contents and a few pages from different chapters. This will give you a sense of the book’s style and content.

Try this next time you visit a bookstore or library.

Skimming Books saves you time and money

I always did this whenever I wanted to buy a book.

Well, I’m a college student who doesn’t have much money; this skimming method is pretty good, actually. So, to avoid wasting money on books that I don’t like, I always skim and explore the book.

Other than that, skimming and exploring helps me a lot to save my time rather than reading the book entirely and knowing that it’s not the book I wanted.

I suggest that if you don’t want to waste any money on buying the wrong book, start reading some summaries on the internet.

By reading summaries, you can find which one you like.

Today’s task

So, in today’s implementation guide, skim the book that you have bought or read some summaries to explore which one you like on the internet.

I have included the implementation guide in my book, The Habit of Reading. You can insert it as well in the pdf, so you don’t have to print it out.

I usually spend 20–25 pages judging the book.

I know that it takes a long time if you are in a bookstore. If you are in a book store, try to open the table of contents and find which one you like to read. Then read the chapter that you find interesting.

Once you get the “click” — the feeling that you found the right book — you can continue for the next day, which is starting small.

This will be the first step in your reading. This is the fun part and the most important part.

This will help you not only love reading more but also help you replace bad habits that you want to remove, like scrolling on social media.

Happy reading!

The Mastery of Reading 🚀| Reading 0 to 100

If you want to take it to the next level with a more exclusive and full guide, you can access The Mastery of Reading.

Click here to access the full guide!

This comprehensive guide offers advanced strategies to help you integrate reading into your daily routine, enjoy deep reading sessions, and use reading to enhance your career.

This is where you take your habit of reading from reading 0 to reading 100, which is mastery.

For a limited time, get The Mastery of Reading now.

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I’ve been working on making my articles more structured and exclusive, and I found the perfect platform in Substack.

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  • Kevin Nokia Writing: My personal journey from struggling through depression to becoming a successful individual.
  • I Am Literate: Discover how to replace scrolling addiction with effective reading habits to improve focus and attention span.

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Essential Resources for Your Journey 📚

  • 30-day Simple Habit Tracker (Free) | Download Here
    Track Your Daily Habits with Customizable Months
  • Life-changing Blueprint (Free) | Download Here
    How to Change Your Life with Implementation Guide
  • My Booknotes (Free) | Download here
    Understand What You Read with Implementation Guide



Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate