To Conquer Fear, Define It

Jeff Jahn
1 min readFeb 26, 2014

Named must your fear be, before banish it you can.

What keeps you up at night, paralyzes you, makes you wish it would just go away? Have you ever taken the time to write out exactly what about that item is giving you so much dread? Chances are that most of the angst comes from a lack of definition.

People tend to just “live with,” or try not to think about the things that make them the most uncomfortable — when the reality is that defining and facing the issue head on is the only way to solve it.

If you write out exactly what the challenge is, you will almost always find a creative way to solve the problem. Keep it swimming around in your head, and it will fester and grow in perceived importance. As long as it stays there, you’ll find it all but impossible to move past it.




Jeff Jahn

6X founder/co-founder, Chief Nerd @ DynamiX. Pushing the envelope on what can be achieved through technology.