Forecast Bar Icon Packs

Forecast Bar
2 min readMar 11, 2016


We are excited to announce Forecast Bar 2.0 for iOS includes the ability for user created icon packs. Here is a how to guide on creating an Icon Pack for Forecast Bar 2.0 for iOS.

Creating an Icon Pack

Icon Packs include 24 icons. Icons must be 192x192 and in PNG format.

Icon Packs must include an icon for each of the following 12 conditions:

  • clear-day
  • clear-night
  • cloudy
  • partly-cloudy-day
  • partly-cloudy-night
  • rain
  • snow
  • fog
  • wind
  • hail
  • sleet
  • thunderstorm

Forecast Bar includes an automatic dark mode, so icon packs need to include icons for both light and dark modes. Each mode needs to have an icon for each of the 12 conditions offered by Forecast Bar as seen above.

Icons in the “black” folder must be solid black(no transparency) with a fully transparent background. Icons in the “black” folder must be solid white(no transparency) with a fully transparent background.

If your icons work in both modes, simply copy paste them into both the black and white folders.

The structure your zip file needs to be in is shown below.

Submitting your Icon Pack

To submit your Icon Pack, simply:

  • Send an email to with the subject line “Icon Pack.”
  • Attach the zip file with the structure you see above
  • In the body include: Icon pack name, author name and which image you would like shown to represent your pack in the Forecast Bar Icon Store.
  • Include the following sentence: “I authorize Forecast Bar to provide these images free of charge, and represent that I have the right to make these images available, and they are free of copyright and trademark concerns.”

We will then perform a quick review and add you into the collection! Thank you for your interest in making Forecast Bar even better!

Loading a Custom Pack

When loading a custom pack via URL, ensure the URL does not point to a redirect page or one with a captcha. Ensure it links directly to the .zip file.

Note: If you are a copyright holder and see your copyright or trademarks are being misused, email us at and we will promptly remove the offending content.



Forecast Bar

Hyper-local, real time forecasts on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. Powered by