Gain Peace When You Focus on What’s Deep

Week 2: My Brain on SUP — Staying focused on what’s deep, not what’s shallow


What a miracle of skin and bone, muscle and brain! You gave me life itself, and incredible love. You watched and guarded every breath I took. Job 10:11–12 (MSG)

After my first time stand up paddle boarding, I couldn’t wait to get back out on the water.

The next time I went, I took my friend Veronica who was a little nervous at first just like I was, but took to it very easily. Come to find out, she was experienced in snow and water skiing, so she really had nothing to be worried about.

While we were in the harbor about to go onto the river, I saw a few turtles swimming around and then I noticed something in the water that at first I thought was just a plastic bag. When I looked closer, it appeared to be either a jellyfish or even a brain!

Well, I knew it couldn’t be a jellyfish since we were paddling in fresh water, and I was really hoping it wasn’t a brain!

I asked the co-owner of the SUP shop what it was. She said it was a bryozoan, a rare thing to see…



Lori Bumgarner Béen, Career Coach

Helping you who feel stuck in your career get unstuck & put your purpose & passion into action. | paNASH | SUP enthusiast | basketball fan