3 Things to Consider When in Doubt.

You are probably doing 3 things wrong.

Stefanos Varsanis
4 min readJul 19, 2014

Are you having those moments when an important decision is made and thoughts of worry, “maybes”, “what if’s” and “I don’t know’s”start to flood your brain?

Great!You are having doubts. Thing is, you are probably doing one, two or all of the following that led you to this.

1. You haven’t taken all the parameters into account.

In order to take the correct decision you must first collect all the information possible.That said,you also need to take into account all the possible outcomes that your decisions might produce.That is not always easy but the more “if’s” you put in your mind the more parameters you are going to catch. Basic programming. As you gather more information you become more aware of your options. The right decision will become clearer and easier to find .Try changing environments or jogging and let those thoughts loose.The result will stun you.

2. You haven’t taken the proper, harsh decisions needed.

“Simplicity defines ruthlessness”. Period. You want the best possible outcome with the least of trouble. No matter how painful or harsh some decisions are, they must be made simply because the things to gain are more than the things to lose. Cut down your emotional strings. Don’t be afraid to let go. This is the tradeoff. Let your needs define your “wants” and not vice versa. Taking the harsh decisions leads us to our final and most important thing.

3. You are deliberately lying to yourself.

Deep down inside you, you know. “It just doesn’t feel right.” - you think.Well you already know the answer, you are just too afraid of what you will lose or what you have to come against is out of control. Fear leads us to lie to ourselves. Take the easy way, the known way, the safe way.Blinds our judgement. Even when you know the little voice inside you is shouting to look at the truth, you deliberately put it aside saying something kinda “it doesn’t matter” or “No, it’s not that…”. Try to put a trigger next time you hear that voice telling you the truth and go against it. You will find yourself reborn and full of confidence with a clear view on your best choice. But try it! No more room for mediocre decisions and half truths!

When in doubt, tell the truth. — Mark Twain

A little story follows.

A while ago a friend finished college and he had to go abroad for an MBA.His two choices were Holland, “Computer Science” department and Sweden, “Networks” department.Networks was also his interest.
At the same time in the same campus in Holland but at a different dept was his ex-girlfriend who he still desired and their relationships were formal but good.

So his choice with the criteria of money(more or less the same for both countries),weather(1up for Holland),lifestyle(1up for Holland) and courses(about the same) made him to choose Holland over Sweden.

When it was time to choose a home in holland he had to choose one which was a flat which was between his dept and his ex’s dept and one in the building next to his ex’s apartment with a nice balcony and a lot of green.

So he chose the second one even though it would be further away from his campus and near his ex but had the “advantages” of having a balcony and a lot of green around.

But a day after doubts were killing him.What looked like a clear choice first became a burden to his mind.One by one his arguments started to become invalid.
First he started to investigate all the parameters that led him to this decision, the weather, the money,the courses etc.Then his alternatives.
“The courses in Sweden might be more interesting”.”Going to Sweden would only be for two years”. “The weather and lifestyle would be a minus BUT (here comes the tradeoff) the courses and work I’ll find later will last for a lifetime and it will interest me much more(networks).” “Two years now for a lifetime later.Harsh now but better later.”
One by one his initial points fell to the alternatives.And all that could have been avoided if he had done one thing alone.

Not lied to himself in the first place!He knew from day one that the reason he chose Holland was because he would be closer to his ex.He was deliberately lying to himself and found excuses to choose the one over the other.But then he placed all his choices at the table, looked at his alternatives, saw the tradeoff and took the courage to acknowledge and take the right decisions.

Make space buddy,I’m coming to Sweden!

